Saturday, March 1, 2008

Parakeet attack

Woke up the other morning to a tapping sound on the bedroom window. Looked out and saw a wild parakeet pecking on the window. It had somehow managed to land on the 3/8 ledge that is outside the windows. It soon lost it's balance and flew away. It, or another, returned two more times to do the same thing. The last couple of mornings Anne May has been coming up and staring out that window so no parakeets.

Pic of what is outside our bedroom window.

The Boganvillia has been in bloom since we have arrived here last December. Just the other side of that is
No wonder the birds like to spend time outside our bedroom.

We attended the Winter Texan Fiesta today. This is a festival put on by the Mission Chamber and if you get a ticket from the Chamber or Member then you get a free lunch. Lunch was a deli ham or turkey sandwich with lettuce, tomato and cheese with a pickle and chips. They said they made 3200 bag lunches this year. Then to top it off you get to enjoy the music and some poetry from some nationally known singers and cowboy poets. While these were not the "Big" names they were people that regularly perform in Branson, MO and Nashville. Also spotted today was this Kenworth from Ontario, Canada

This rig said it was a 1969. Sure is a nice looking rig to tow a fifth wheel with.